The Impossible Made Possible

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost - October 17, 2021

We all agree that certain things can be difficult to do and other things impossible. It is only slightly difficult, but not impossible, to get used to where all the controls are on a new car. Even more difficult, but still not impossible, is to drive that new car through fog. On the other hand, there are no degrees of the impossible. If something is impossible, that is it. Certainly some people thought it impossible that Thomas Edison’s lightbulb would ever replace candles or that Henry Ford’s automobile would ever replace the horse. But in those cases, the possible was just a little more difficult to produce. When it comes to entering the kingdom of God and salvation, many wrongly think it is possible by your own reason, strength, or works. Today, Jesus reminds us that on our own, salvation is actually impossible for everyone. “But with God all things are possible.” Every baptized Christian is a walking, talking miracle of God’s creation and re-creation! Thus following Jesus and living the Christian life is not impossible. Thanks be to God!
